Canadian guitarist Zak Martel hails from New Liskeard,Ontario.
He graduated from Laurentian University and shortly after graduation discovered the music of Django Reinhardt.
He eventually stumbled upon Denis Chang’s homestay lesson program and decided to move Montreal to further his studies.
He now works full-time for DC Music School and has played rhythm guitar for Denis Chang,
Samson Schmitt, Duved Dunayevsky, Tchavolo Schmitt, and many more.
2018 Emerging Artist Showcase and the Jazz Sudbury Festival winners
吉他Guitar (加拿大CANADA)
加拿大籍吉他手Zak Martel來自安大略省新里斯卡德
畢業於Laurentian大學,參與Denis Chang教育計劃,於蒙特婁深造
為2018年Emerging Artist Showcase和Jazz Sudbury Festival優勝者
現於DC Music School全職工作,並為Denis Chang、Samson Schmitt、
Duved Dunayevsky、Tchavolo Schmitt等吉普賽爵士大師彈奏節奏吉他
Zak Martel ザック マーテル
2018Emerging Artist ShowcaseおよびJazz Sudbury Festivalの受賞者。
現在、DC Music Schoolでフルタイムで働いており、Denis Chang、Samson Schmitt、
Duved Dunayevsky、Tchavolo Schmittなどのマスターたちのリズムギターを務める。
He graduated from Laurentian University and shortly after graduation discovered the music of Django Reinhardt.
He eventually stumbled upon Denis Chang’s homestay lesson program and decided to move Montreal to further his studies.
He now works full-time for DC Music School and has played rhythm guitar for Denis Chang,
Samson Schmitt, Duved Dunayevsky, Tchavolo Schmitt, and many more.
2018 Emerging Artist Showcase and the Jazz Sudbury Festival winners
吉他Guitar (加拿大CANADA)
加拿大籍吉他手Zak Martel來自安大略省新里斯卡德
畢業於Laurentian大學,參與Denis Chang教育計劃,於蒙特婁深造
為2018年Emerging Artist Showcase和Jazz Sudbury Festival優勝者
現於DC Music School全職工作,並為Denis Chang、Samson Schmitt、
Duved Dunayevsky、Tchavolo Schmitt等吉普賽爵士大師彈奏節奏吉他
Zak Martel ザック マーテル
2018Emerging Artist ShowcaseおよびJazz Sudbury Festivalの受賞者。
現在、DC Music Schoolでフルタイムで働いており、Denis Chang、Samson Schmitt、
Duved Dunayevsky、Tchavolo Schmittなどのマスターたちのリズムギターを務める。