“Sebastien Giniaux是巴黎吉普賽爵士風格中著名的年輕吉他手之一,相信任何領域的頂尖吉他手都會被他的藝術技巧和無盡的即興創意所震撼。“– Mission Mission
Sébastien Giniaux是極為出色的吉普賽爵士吉他手,除了領導自己的樂團,他同時也是Norig和Selmer#607的成員。
並且曾在美國最大的Djangofest和法國最著名的Django Reinhardt音樂節演出。精通吉他、小提琴、大提琴、編曲及作曲。
Giniaux在巴黎南部的郊區Bourg-la-Reine長大,7歲開始在ÉtienneCardoze的Bourg-la-Reine音樂學院學習大提琴。 之後他在Boulogne-Billancourt的CNR和Aubervilliers - la Courneuve學習 。 18歲時,他開始自學吉他演奏和研究傳統音樂風格; 他受到Django Reinhardt音樂、巴爾幹音樂風格、古典音樂、爵士樂和即興音樂的影響 。 從2000年代起,他擔任演奏家、作曲家和編曲家,並參與各種爵士樂、民謠和世界音樂組合,如Norig,Selmer#607(尤其是Rocky Gresset , Adrien Moignard ),Balkan Project, TarafdeHaïdouks (專輯Maškaradă),在2010年初,與歌手Teofilo Chantre ( MeStissage ,2011)和歌手IrinaBjörklund( La vie estunefête ,2014),以及Caravan Palace(同名專輯2008)合作。 2017年他創立了為“ Mélodiedeschoses”六重奏,其中包括Joris Viquesnel (吉他), Jérémie (低音提琴),Mathias Levy (小提琴),ChérifSoumano(非洲豎琴)和MihaïTrestian(歐洲揚琴)。 他還曾為David Reinhardt ( 專輯The Way of Heart ,2008)和Lemmy Constantine ( 專輯In Difference ,2009)以大提琴錄製專輯。
パリ郊外で育ち7歳でバイオリンを始める。Boulogne-BillancourtのCNRとAubervilliers-la Courneuveで学ぶ。18歳からDjango Reinhardt、バルカン音楽、ジャズ、即興音楽を独学で学ぶ。2000年代以降Norig、Selmer#607、Balkan Project、Taraf de Haïdouks、Caravan Palace、African Variationsなど様々なジャズ、フォーク、ワールド・ミュージック・グループに参加。David Reinhardt (The Way of Heart, 2008) Lemmy Constantine (In Difference, 2009)等のレコーディングに参加。2014年’Mélodie des Choses’では自らアートワークも手がける才気溢れるアーティスト。
“Sebastien Giniaux is one of the greatest young guitarists in this style in Paris, and therefore probably one of the best in the world. I’d be hard pressed to think of any world-class guitarist of any style that wouldn’t be blown away by his virtuosic technique and endless improvisational ideas. ” – Mission Mission
Sébastien Giniaux is one of the greatest gypsy jazz guitarists in the world. Already an underground star in his hometown of Paris, this performance marks a rare United States appearance. In addition to leading his own group, he has been featured as a performing member of Norig and Taraf de Haïdouks. He has played the international Django Reinhardt Festival in France and Djangofest in the United States.
Born in 1981, Giniaux started on cello at age 6 because he didn’t want to play standing up, like his violin-playing brother. He began studying guitar and Gypsy music at age 18, influenced by Django, Balkan music, European classical, jazz, and other improvised music.
In an interview he said, “When I really got into guitar I…worked and played like crazy for 5 years.” I first encountered him in 2003 in the campgrounds of Samois, which would have been somewhere in the middle of that 5 year period. Even that early in his exploration of the genre he was already playing jazz manouche at a level I’d never encountered in the States. This video is from those same campgrounds a few years later, but it’s typical of what I’m talking about.
Sébastien works with a number of groups as both cellist and guitarist, including Norig, Selmer # 607, the Balkan Project and a variety of duos and trios. He is also an artist, poet, composer, and arranger. In 2012 he brought all these talents to bear in a unique multi-media work titled, Melodie des Choses, a “pictorial translation” of his music that includes a special edition art book and CD.
Giniaux first joined us at Django in June in 2014 as a last-minute member of Les Doigts De L’Hommes, then again in 2016 to perform with Antoine Boyer. This year he comes as guitarist and cellist with the Mathias Lévy Trio who will share selections from their “Revisiting Grappelli” program in concert at the Academy of Music.
Sébastien Giniaux是極為出色的吉普賽爵士吉他手,除了領導自己的樂團,他同時也是Norig和Selmer#607的成員。
並且曾在美國最大的Djangofest和法國最著名的Django Reinhardt音樂節演出。精通吉他、小提琴、大提琴、編曲及作曲。
Giniaux在巴黎南部的郊區Bourg-la-Reine長大,7歲開始在ÉtienneCardoze的Bourg-la-Reine音樂學院學習大提琴。 之後他在Boulogne-Billancourt的CNR和Aubervilliers - la Courneuve學習 。 18歲時,他開始自學吉他演奏和研究傳統音樂風格; 他受到Django Reinhardt音樂、巴爾幹音樂風格、古典音樂、爵士樂和即興音樂的影響 。 從2000年代起,他擔任演奏家、作曲家和編曲家,並參與各種爵士樂、民謠和世界音樂組合,如Norig,Selmer#607(尤其是Rocky Gresset , Adrien Moignard ),Balkan Project, TarafdeHaïdouks (專輯Maškaradă),在2010年初,與歌手Teofilo Chantre ( MeStissage ,2011)和歌手IrinaBjörklund( La vie estunefête ,2014),以及Caravan Palace(同名專輯2008)合作。 2017年他創立了為“ Mélodiedeschoses”六重奏,其中包括Joris Viquesnel (吉他), Jérémie (低音提琴),Mathias Levy (小提琴),ChérifSoumano(非洲豎琴)和MihaïTrestian(歐洲揚琴)。 他還曾為David Reinhardt ( 專輯The Way of Heart ,2008)和Lemmy Constantine ( 專輯In Difference ,2009)以大提琴錄製專輯。
パリ郊外で育ち7歳でバイオリンを始める。Boulogne-BillancourtのCNRとAubervilliers-la Courneuveで学ぶ。18歳からDjango Reinhardt、バルカン音楽、ジャズ、即興音楽を独学で学ぶ。2000年代以降Norig、Selmer#607、Balkan Project、Taraf de Haïdouks、Caravan Palace、African Variationsなど様々なジャズ、フォーク、ワールド・ミュージック・グループに参加。David Reinhardt (The Way of Heart, 2008) Lemmy Constantine (In Difference, 2009)等のレコーディングに参加。2014年’Mélodie des Choses’では自らアートワークも手がける才気溢れるアーティスト。
“Sebastien Giniaux is one of the greatest young guitarists in this style in Paris, and therefore probably one of the best in the world. I’d be hard pressed to think of any world-class guitarist of any style that wouldn’t be blown away by his virtuosic technique and endless improvisational ideas. ” – Mission Mission
Sébastien Giniaux is one of the greatest gypsy jazz guitarists in the world. Already an underground star in his hometown of Paris, this performance marks a rare United States appearance. In addition to leading his own group, he has been featured as a performing member of Norig and Taraf de Haïdouks. He has played the international Django Reinhardt Festival in France and Djangofest in the United States.
Born in 1981, Giniaux started on cello at age 6 because he didn’t want to play standing up, like his violin-playing brother. He began studying guitar and Gypsy music at age 18, influenced by Django, Balkan music, European classical, jazz, and other improvised music.
In an interview he said, “When I really got into guitar I…worked and played like crazy for 5 years.” I first encountered him in 2003 in the campgrounds of Samois, which would have been somewhere in the middle of that 5 year period. Even that early in his exploration of the genre he was already playing jazz manouche at a level I’d never encountered in the States. This video is from those same campgrounds a few years later, but it’s typical of what I’m talking about.
Sébastien works with a number of groups as both cellist and guitarist, including Norig, Selmer # 607, the Balkan Project and a variety of duos and trios. He is also an artist, poet, composer, and arranger. In 2012 he brought all these talents to bear in a unique multi-media work titled, Melodie des Choses, a “pictorial translation” of his music that includes a special edition art book and CD.
Giniaux first joined us at Django in June in 2014 as a last-minute member of Les Doigts De L’Hommes, then again in 2016 to perform with Antoine Boyer. This year he comes as guitarist and cellist with the Mathias Lévy Trio who will share selections from their “Revisiting Grappelli” program in concert at the Academy of Music.