Renaud Crols
- Born on July 13, 1983 in Libramont, Belgium
- Starts the piano around 6 years and the violin around 9 years old
- Starts the Royal Academy of Liege at 17, and obtains a diploma of violin, chamber music and musical theory
- In the same time, he turns to improvisation and jazz
- At 21, after having settled in Brussels, undertakes voyages, in particular in Romania, and is interested in several balkanic and “world musics”
- Makes a series of concerts with the famous group of Rumanian gypsies the “Taraf des Haïdouks”
- At 24, makes a tour in Canada with a group of dancers, and 2 musicians: Bert Cornelis, a Belgian citharist, and Partha Mukherjee, a famous Indian Tabla’s Master
- From December 2008 to July 2009, he takes part in the world tour of the spectacle “Pity” of the famous Belgian choreographer Alain Platel, with ten dancers, 3 singers, and 7 other musicians, of which in particular Fabrizio Cassol (sax), Stephan Galland (drums) and Michel Hatzigiorgeou (bass), the musicians of Aka Moon, and Magic Malik, the famous French flutist. This tour give him the occasion to discover several countries in Europe, and also Japan and Congo. This show has been the subject of a documentary realised by Arte, that has been broadcasted in april 2010.
- With Tcha Limberger (violin), Alexandre Tripodi (viola), Renaud Dardenne (guitar) and Sam Gerstmans (double bass), he creates the group “Les Violons de Bruxelles”. They record their first album in March 2012, which is released in September 2012. Their second album will be released in March 2017.
- In december 2012, he goes to Varanasi, India and begins to study Indian classical music with a great master...
- Participates in several Cd recordings for various artists, and also recordings for dance shows (i.e. the 3 last shows of Peeping Tom, famous belgian dance company), and plays in concert with groups of jazz, swing (i.e. Reverent Juke, special Lindy Hop band), gipsy jazz, afro-jazz (Magic Groove System), gipsy Balkan music, rock, blues, folk, Cuban music (Tumbao Cubano), Brazilian music, bluegrass (Bash), Greek music, Indian music (NadaTrio), and continues to do so… He has recorded and plays regularly also with "Sitardust" of the Sitar player Joachim Lacrosse (indo-jazz), whose album "Sitardust" is released in November 2016
- In January 2016, he performs 3 concerts with Roby Lakatos, a very famous gipsy violonist, and Bireli Lagrène, a very famous French jazz guitarist, on the piano and violin, and it is a great success...
- With "Les Violons de Bruxelles", he goes to Northampton, Massachussets, US, in june 2016 for the famous "Django in June Festival" where all of them teach and perform. The are very well appreciated. He meets also Giacomo Smith there, an immensely talented clarinet player from London, and they make a memorable concert.
- 吉普賽爵士小提琴/鋼琴演奏家
小提琴Violin/鋼琴Piano (比利時BELGIUM)
曾和著名的羅馬尼亞吉普賽樂隊 “Taraf des Haïdouks” 舉辦過多場音樂會
並與比利時最出色的弦樂家們Tcha Limberger 、Alexandre Tripodi、
Renaud Dardenne和Sam Gerstmans組合吉普賽爵士天團“Les Violons de Bruxelles” - 於1983年7月13日生於比利時Libramont,6歲時開始彈奏鋼琴,9歲時開始拉小提琴。
- 17歲起進入列日皇家藝術學院,並獲得小提琴,室內樂和音樂理論文憑。
曾和著名的羅馬尼亞吉普賽樂隊 “Taraf des Haïdouks” 舉辦過多場音樂會。
24歲時,和一群舞者和兩位音樂家在加拿大巡迴演出:比利時籍齊特琴演奏家Bert Cornelis,和印度塔布拉鼓大師Partha Mukherjee。
2008年12月到2009年7月,他參與了比利時著名編舞家Alain Platel的世界巡迴演出”Pity”,其中有10位舞者、3位歌手和其他7位音樂家,
特別是Aka Moon三重奏的Fabrizio Cassol (薩克斯風),Stephan Galland (鼓) 和Michel Hatzigiorgeou (貝斯),還有著名的法國長笛演奏家Magic Malik。此次巡迴讓他發掘歐洲數個不同國家,以及日本和剛果。該節目成為德法公共電視台所拍攝的紀錄片主題,並於2010年4月播出。
他與Tcha Limberger (小提琴)、Alexandre Tripodi (中提琴)、Renaud Dardenne (吉他) 和Sam Gerstmans (低音提琴)組為“Les Violons de Bruxelles”,於2012年3月錄製了第一張專輯,9月發行。第二張專輯於2017年3月發行。
2012年12月,他前往印度瓦拉納西,並與一位出色的大師學習印度古典音樂。曾參與了多位藝術家的專輯錄音,也曾為舞蹈表演錄音(比利時著名舞蹈公司Peeping Tom的最後3場演出),參與演出多種音樂風格如爵士、搖擺樂(Reverent Juke, special Lindy Hop band)、吉普賽爵士、非洲爵士(Magic Groove System)、吉普賽巴爾幹音樂、搖滾、藍調、民謠、古巴音樂(Tumbao Cubano)、巴西音樂、藍草音樂(Bash)、希臘音樂、印度音樂(NadaTrio)等。
他錄製了西塔琴演奏家Joachim Lacrosse 於2016年11月發行的專輯“Sitardust”並定期與其演出。
2016年1月,他以鋼琴及小提琴演奏,與著名的吉普賽提琴手Roby Lakatos和法國爵士吉他手Bireli Lagrène完成了非常成功的三場音樂會。
2016年6月,他和"Les Violons de Bruxelles"一同前往美國馬薩諸塞州北安普敦,參加"Django in June Festival" 並進行教學及演出,也和在那相遇的倫敦豎笛演奏家Giacomo Smith舉辦了令人難忘的音樂會。 - Renaud Crols ルノー クロール
有名なルーマニアのジプシーバンド「Taraf desHaïdouks」と多くのコンサートを行っている。
ベルギーの最高の弦楽奏者Tcha Limberger,Alexandre Tripodi,Renaud Dardenne
Sam Gerstmansと “Les Violons de Bruxelles”として活動中。