比利時當代傳奇吉普賽爵士音樂家Tcha Limberger出生於比利時傳統吉普賽音樂家庭,從小就在Django Reinhardt的音樂環境中成長,他擁有不拘一格的音樂品味和充分對創作激情而被冠上吉普賽音樂的博學家之王的美名,評論家更是評論他“完全由音樂組合而成的。而星期日泰晤士報讚譽 ”Tcha Limberger為吉普賽音樂之王“!
即使雙眼失明,但仍然能同時勝任作曲家、歌手和樂手,是少數的世界級全方位音樂家之一。他在名揚國際的Transylvanian Kalotaszeg三重奏與Budapest吉普賽樂團中。Tcha 致力傳授幾乎被人們遺忘的傳統音樂教學方法,使他成為 Carpathian Basin民俗音樂中最突出和最重要的人物之一。
ベルギーの伝統的なマヌーシュミュージシャンの家系に生まれ、Django Reinhardtスタイルの音楽の環境で育つ。Fapy Lafertinをはじめとする多くの著名アーティストと長年にわたり共演。彼の折衷的な音楽への興味、関心と情熱は、幼少時代から形成され、わずか8歳でフラメンコを歌いギターを伴奏する最初のソロコンサートを行った。 13歳でモダン・クラシックの作曲を学んだ後、ハンガリーへ移住。Budapest Gypsy Orchestraとの公演は彼の大きな功績である。サンデー・タイムズ紙から「博学な巨匠・ジプシー音楽の王」と称される。現在は世界各国でのワークショップ、フェスティバルでの演奏を行い、Les Violons de Bruxellesなどで活動中。
Since picking up his first instrument the guitar, composer, singer and multi-instrumentalist Tcha Limberger is one of a handful of world class musicians to have become accepted and respected in a style of music culturally not their own. His showcasing on the international stage of his Transylvanian Kalotaszeg Trio and Budapest Gypsy Orchestra, and his nurturing approach to teaching almost forgotten traditional musics has made him one of the most prominent and ‘important figures in folk music of the Carpathian Basin’. For this he has received unparalleled praise worldwide from professionals and public alike. Critics remarking on his achievements have claimed he is ’entirely made of music’, ‘The Polymath king of Gypsy music’, whilst musician colleagues refer to him as ‘the fifth element’.
Born into a renowned Belgian family of Manouche musicians, Limberger grew up in a world of the Gypsy swing style of Django Reinhardt, and over the years has collaborated with many of its leading performers, including the celebrated Fapy Lafertin. His eclectic musical tastes, interests and passions were formed from early childhood with his first solo concerts singing Flamenco whilst accompanying himself on guitar were aged just eight. He has an ongoing fascination and love for traditional music from the world over, for a long while leading a band of Belgian musicians playing music from Aimara, and the Quechua Indians of Bolivia. From thirteen he studied modern classical composition alongside the Belgian composer Dick Vanderharst with his composition debut for a dance piece by Les ballets C de la B called ‘Patchagonia’ directed by Lisi Estaras. Two current projects include a free improvisation guitar duo with classical guitarist Herman Schamp, and Limberger’s much celebrated all-string swing band Les Violons de Bruxelles.
Tcha Limberger studied the music of Kalotaszeg with his mentor the legendary Neti Sandor, and the Magyar Nota style of Budapest with celebrated primas Horvat Bela. Both contribute to his recognition as both an exceptional and enthusiastic teacher who frequently holds masterclasses and leads interactive workshops encompassing both jazz and Central European folk music.
Until now though his performances with the Budapest Orchestra have earned him most notoriety, receiving from The Sunday Times the accolade ‘The Polymath virtuoso Tcha Limberger is the king of Gypsy music!’
即使雙眼失明,但仍然能同時勝任作曲家、歌手和樂手,是少數的世界級全方位音樂家之一。他在名揚國際的Transylvanian Kalotaszeg三重奏與Budapest吉普賽樂團中。Tcha 致力傳授幾乎被人們遺忘的傳統音樂教學方法,使他成為 Carpathian Basin民俗音樂中最突出和最重要的人物之一。
ベルギーの伝統的なマヌーシュミュージシャンの家系に生まれ、Django Reinhardtスタイルの音楽の環境で育つ。Fapy Lafertinをはじめとする多くの著名アーティストと長年にわたり共演。彼の折衷的な音楽への興味、関心と情熱は、幼少時代から形成され、わずか8歳でフラメンコを歌いギターを伴奏する最初のソロコンサートを行った。 13歳でモダン・クラシックの作曲を学んだ後、ハンガリーへ移住。Budapest Gypsy Orchestraとの公演は彼の大きな功績である。サンデー・タイムズ紙から「博学な巨匠・ジプシー音楽の王」と称される。現在は世界各国でのワークショップ、フェスティバルでの演奏を行い、Les Violons de Bruxellesなどで活動中。
Since picking up his first instrument the guitar, composer, singer and multi-instrumentalist Tcha Limberger is one of a handful of world class musicians to have become accepted and respected in a style of music culturally not their own. His showcasing on the international stage of his Transylvanian Kalotaszeg Trio and Budapest Gypsy Orchestra, and his nurturing approach to teaching almost forgotten traditional musics has made him one of the most prominent and ‘important figures in folk music of the Carpathian Basin’. For this he has received unparalleled praise worldwide from professionals and public alike. Critics remarking on his achievements have claimed he is ’entirely made of music’, ‘The Polymath king of Gypsy music’, whilst musician colleagues refer to him as ‘the fifth element’.
Born into a renowned Belgian family of Manouche musicians, Limberger grew up in a world of the Gypsy swing style of Django Reinhardt, and over the years has collaborated with many of its leading performers, including the celebrated Fapy Lafertin. His eclectic musical tastes, interests and passions were formed from early childhood with his first solo concerts singing Flamenco whilst accompanying himself on guitar were aged just eight. He has an ongoing fascination and love for traditional music from the world over, for a long while leading a band of Belgian musicians playing music from Aimara, and the Quechua Indians of Bolivia. From thirteen he studied modern classical composition alongside the Belgian composer Dick Vanderharst with his composition debut for a dance piece by Les ballets C de la B called ‘Patchagonia’ directed by Lisi Estaras. Two current projects include a free improvisation guitar duo with classical guitarist Herman Schamp, and Limberger’s much celebrated all-string swing band Les Violons de Bruxelles.
Tcha Limberger studied the music of Kalotaszeg with his mentor the legendary Neti Sandor, and the Magyar Nota style of Budapest with celebrated primas Horvat Bela. Both contribute to his recognition as both an exceptional and enthusiastic teacher who frequently holds masterclasses and leads interactive workshops encompassing both jazz and Central European folk music.
Until now though his performances with the Budapest Orchestra have earned him most notoriety, receiving from The Sunday Times the accolade ‘The Polymath virtuoso Tcha Limberger is the king of Gypsy music!’